SAIRA Studios is located inside the historic Niagara Frontier Food Terminal (NFFT). This video highlights the history and future of this historic complex (and also features a cameo of yours truly!)
The mission of the NFFT is to restore the historic buildings to recreate the vibrant market environment of years-past; bringing in a landscape of local startups, food and beverage producers, wholesale food suppliers, specialty culinary shops, grocery businesses, ethnic food retailers, and more. The NFFT is committed to supporting the local arts community by offering affordable art space to working creatives. Click here to see a list of all the tenants in the complex!
Find me at 1500 Clinton Street in the historic Niagara Frontier Food Terminal (learn more about the NFFT here). Go in door 177, and up to the second floor, suite 201.
Please note: If using Google Maps, GPS ‘Chateau Buffalo Winery’ to be directed to the exact location (and yes! There really is a winery on the first floor of my building – they are open for tastings Fridays and Saturdays).
If using Apple Maps, GPS 1509 Clinton Street. The entrance to the food terminal is across from 1509. Park near the fire hall and enter through door 177.